Anorexia is a lifestyle, not a disease

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pitiful Excuse For A Person

I've let myself become what I was. Well, almost what I was. I'm back to 143. A whopping 143. Back in the 40s. How could I let this happen? It took me months to get to 120, now here I am, a fat cow. Luckily, I haven't eaten in three days. Am I going to keep it up? You can bet your ass I am.

Ten day cleanse. That's my goal. After ten days of nothing, I can go back to my usual. 400 calories, fruits, veggies, fat free milk, diet soda, tea, coffee, water. water. water.

At least this time I wasn't a total wuss and bought diet pills. Morning jog? Afternoon jog? Why not both?! I am going to diet myself into the ground, and I'm perfectly okay with that. My goal before school starts back up? 120.

Keep on this goal Haven.

120 pounds by June 6

You've got this.